Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Drunk as a skunk

No one is drunk, but sometimes the boys in this house smell like skunks.  Or sometimes baby looks like he is drunk as one. But really its just nap time.  He has some easy tells when he is tired. He has nystagmus so his eyes are an obvious one. Didn't know that? Check out a decent description of Congenital Nystagmus here: http://www.nystagmus.org/aboutn.html. (Its not severe, he has great vision, sees a vision specialist, no neurological problems, will lead a very normal and active life!) Anyways, he also likes to bite toys, the floor, his feet, ME! So while I was messing with my new lens I snapped some classic sleepy baby pics. Biting included.
When I'm sleepy its just a whole lot of grumpiness. Oh and that lovely mark by his eye...tantrum in the crib resulting in more anguish...for everyone. It looks much better today. Sadly while playing around my bed he split his lip open before bedtime.

Baby bawling + drop of blood = crying mommy

Yep I started crying too.

Thank you to all the well-wishers from my last post. To quote Kanye "Now that-that-that that don't kill me Can only make me stronger.

In other news, Damien grew a mustache. I know mustaches are making a huge comeback. But...really? I find myself getting annoyed just looking at it. Its not my favorite look on him, in fact I hate it. Last night I was unconsciously glaring at it with hatred and he caught me. He was like 'whats wrong?' 'Um nothing I was just zoning off' If he knows I hate-hate it, then he will want to keep it longer and have it grow longer. Ugh. double Ugh. Don't worry, by the time he reads this that patch of hair will be long gone. I hope
What are your thoughts on it?

So this weekend the mama and the papa are coming up for Conference! Its kinda like a semi-annual holiday. We pack up and go stay in SLC (in my parents hotel room) go to conference, eat awesome food, all while spending time with the fam. It makes it all the more special. I will take photos to share the experience. I promise.

Also I am thinking of participating in the Summer of NO Pants. I love skirts and dresses, and I love new ones too. I think the challenge will help me finish about 5-6 skirt/dress projects that have been started and not finished. We'll see. And as a bonus for Damien: my legs will be shaved more often. What a lucky boy.


The Whelans said...

ummm... the mustache is... well... horrible. I will make sure to let him know next time I see him! haha

Jen said...

Mustaches are awesome! I'm on team Damien on this one, but you don't have to tell him so that he thinks no one is on his side =)

Adria said...

I dunno about Damien having a mustache but I know I really want Dave to participate in Mustache May (http://moustachemay.com/staches/)And summer of No pants is genius! I totally want to do that!