Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Someone is coming to visit us!

Its Grandma Debby. She flies in later today, and we can't be more tickled. Can you tell?
Now we will have something to blog about! Lately I've just been sewing up a storm for D's sister's bridesmaid dresses. 2 down 1 to go and 8 days left! 

On another note. I found something pretty awesome for those with eczema. Blake has it on his cheeks, shoulders, arms, and knees really bad. Aquafor, olive oil, and the prescriptions weren't cutting it once the harsh dry winter came.
So one of the Doctors recommended this. It has really helped everywhere, especially cheeks and knees. Thought I'd pass it on. I order it at Smith's pharmacy.


Rappleye Family said...

Thats a cute smile he has!

Kayla said...

Yay!!! I love Debby! My mom is so excited!!

Brookel said...

i'm glad you found something to help his cheeks! Cohen has thos jammies, so cute, and so glad you're mom's coimng to visit, she was going to watch my little one's this weekend while i was at jenilyn's wedding but i'm happy that she gets to see her grandbaby instead :)