Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Holy Spectacles Batman

Our little man is getting a pair (not these ones.) Sadly these cute ones are ginormous on him. We'll get the real ones in a few weeks and post some pics. He's gonna look like a baby einstein with glasses and wild hair.

He was a champ for his forever long appointment with the ophthalmologist. We left at 1 pm and got home at 6:30 pm. GRRRRR. Hopefully the next one this week is at least half as short. Thursday he is having an MRI. Sadly he can't eat for the 6 hours before. What?! How is this going to happen? Hopefully the 6:30 am appointment will help.

Lil Man's Vision Specialist brought over this fun kiddie pool full of rice. Its to help with some sensory issues
So now our floor is covered in rice all the day long. He loves to take handfuls and sprinkle them on the carpet, or throw it, or kick it. He even grabs handfuls and puts them on the couch. Rice is everywhere! But he has fun and we have fun watching


Jen said...

Can I come to your house and spread rice around everywhere with Blake?! It looks like fun!! Those glasses are super adorable too!

Brookel said...

playing with rice is also a really good stress relief activity, like playing with sand, i learned that in some children's development class and have wanted to make one for my kiddies but i don't think i could handle the mess. zero stress relief for me :)

Kayla said...

Those glasses look super cute on blake! I'm excited to see him with his real glasses. and wow what a fun time playing with a ton of rice! we are praying for Blake and you and D. good luck tomorrow :)