Friday, July 1, 2011

Curly Girl... and Boy

Has anyone heard about the book Curly Girl or the term 'no-poo.' Inform yourself  HERE.  I hadn't, but someone mentioned it on their blog. I was curious and googled it. It seemed odd, but since I've cut my hair I've had a harder time with my natural curls. So I tried the conditioner washing on Blake and myself today. I am pleasantly surprised with the results. Here are Blake's results:

I love love love his locks! Sadly they get flattened throughout the day with this nap and rolling around on the ground. I think my hair looks pretty good too. But I still haven't put make up on for the day, and won't be taking pictures of myself.

Tonight we get to see the NC Cavanaughs! They brought some cheera wine (? no clue how to spell it, so its phonetically spelled) for Damien, and he just about peed himself. Not really, but whenever he starts telling me about the delicious NC barbeque and biscuits and whatnots, he always mentions cheera wine. Anyways I'll probably be asked to deck Blake out in all his Duke paraphernalia. As to not confuse anyone about his allegiance to the Blue Devils! I'm excited though for tonight and all the fun 4th things we'll be doing this weekend.


braids said...

I looked up the curly girl thing! that is awesome! Does it have an actual list of brands that dont have bad things in them? and do you JUST conditioner, and no shampoo? anyways :D Blakes hair looks so cute!

Ash said...

oh hi, zoey! i stalk you :) i have been no-poo-ing bianca's hair for a while now. we just use a tad of apple cider vinegar and water and her hair is shiny and luscious. i tried it on myself and it was...less than a good situation. i'm too chicken to stick with it long enough for it to get used to it. i bet your curls will love it! blake's hair looks awesome.